Arayan Delaura

"I'm a husband to three, a whore, a mage, a dancer, an entertainer, a murderer and a real bitch. What can I do for you?"

Home Server: Balmung
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)


Full Name: Arayan-Jerômeaux Delauranoix
Age: 28 years old
Alias: Ara
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Polyamorous, Bisexual
Occupation(s): Gold Saucer Chief, performer, escort, Mage for hire, Voidsent researcher
Languages: Eorzean mother tongue, Ishgardian and Hingan on a basic level
Voice Claim: Click Here
Aetherial Alignment: Astral/Darkness aligned aether
Appearance: 5'8'' in height, 200+lbs in weight. Hair length changes often, colour is a dark grey-purple. Bright green eyes. Warm skin tone. Scars all across his body and face. Often wears bright or vivid makeup. Wears tight, revealing, long, flowing outfits with heels.

(oh my god finally a ref sheet)

Born to a young Seeker of the Sun couple, Arayan was abandoned as an infant in the streets of Ul'dah out of desperation for coin. He was soon found by wandering servant of a wealthy merchant family and raised as a second son. His upbringing wasn't without challenges, as he was never treated as equally as his eldest brother, his parents' "real" son.By his eleventh nameday, Arayan was handed to the Thaumaturgy Guild after it was discovered he had a natural gift for said magic, where he served for only two years. During a routine Guildhest he happened upon a Voidsent summoning which he quickly rid of, but found a Black Mage soul crystal that took to him instantly. Arayan was swiflty disowned by his family upon such news reaching them.Arayan found himself upon a wandering Dark Knight that forcibly took him as an apprentice of Darkness, where he was used, cut and scared, made to bleed and kill for the older man's sick way of life. After six years of torture he slew his first tormentor and returned to Ul'dah in the night to deliver the same fate to those who raised him, before he fled once more.Arayan found a liking to the Gold Saucer for its escapism and quickly landed a position there. It was there he unknowingly met with his newfound tormentor; his brother Manuelle, who after their years apart grew obsessed and predatory. Yet while Arayan avoided his brother, he fell in love with a Raen named Cyerin. Two years they spent together before Cyerin was murdered before him, the first time Arayan had felt heartbreak.Some years later he would find love again, and quickly did that end in tragedy... Then again... and again... He took to debauchery and sexual pleasures to cope with the constant heartache and trauma of the pasts. It was all he was ever good at, after all, seducing men and women for short periods of passion...Arayan had eventually been shown compassion and love not once, not twice, but thrice, among three gentlemen he proudly calls his husbands. All the while he still struggles with a growing darkness leftover from his old master's scars, the ever lurking creep he still calls a brother and his dissociative nights of sex and passion in the streets.


Need entertainment?
From singer, dancer or even a backup dancer for a show, Arayan is available to show his stuff off. Fees? None. Being able to show off and please a crowd is its own reward.
Need some company?
Perhaps you've seen Arayan leaning against the wall in the Quicksand? Or elsewhere for the matter... He'd love to join you for a drink, a stroll or otherwise.
Need some... "company?"
What can this effeminate fellow do? Suck your dick, that's for sure.
Need to find a Voidsent?
Arayan would be more than willing to offer aid in any Mhachi or Voidsent matter, even without payment, so long as he can have a sample for later.
Got some of that Zodiark's Gysahl Greens?
Arayan says 420 blaze it, lol. He'll gladly accept a smoke, drink or recreational drug in a safe environment and whatever good times happen afterwards. He actively does gaelicatnip and is a drunkard with terrible taste.
Need something or someone blown up?
Arayan's ties to the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'dah has given him access to several hits on Voidsent or otherwise. Should you require a Black Mage to cause some chaos, he'll be more than worth the price.
Happen to have some experience with the growing internal angst of your Darkside?
Despite his best efforts to rid of his second soulstone, ignoring his inner turmoil and darkside for years, the growing angst has only worsened and tormented him due to his lack of understanding. Should Arayan come across anyone with the skill or knowledge on how to quell or maintain it, he will beg for their aid.

Artwork (18+):

drawn by me, hey I take commissions check this magical link if you're interested


(sorry for lack of visuals, carrd doesn't like spotify or youtube links for their audio formatting without paying for pro... screams
also I don't keep the Spotify one as updated as the Youtube one...)